The Tao of Batting, by Ben Himes
A book translating the concepts of the Tao Te Ching for hitters. Perfect reading for the dedicated hitter. Any baseball player looking for help with the subtleties of the mental game of hitting will certainly benefit from these verses. Please click here to purchase.
The Last of the Warriors, Lessons for Athletes from the Bhagavad Gita.
The Last of the Warriors outlines the epic tale told within the Bhagavad Gita as it applies to athletes. Athletes are, metaphorically, the last of society’s warriors. This book illustrates the athlete’s plight both in training and competition, the inevitability of struggle, the necessary traits of athletic endeavor, the great contests within the heart and mind, and the preparation of a warrior. Please click here to purchase
Upcoming Publications:
The Craft of Batting
Ben’s upcoming book regarding the technical aspects of hitting. Learn professional batting techniques and approaches. Please email to reserve your discounted pre-publication copy.